CU Medical i-PAD SP1 adult electrode pads

Adult defibrillation pads for the CU Medical i-PAD SP1 AED.

CU Medical i-PAD SPI defibrillation pads for adults, may also be used with children.

€58,99 €58,99
In stock, available immediately
Product Description

These pads are suitable for both adult and child use. The CU-medical i-PAD SP1 has a handy patient mode and can easily be switched from adult to child mode without changing pads. The electrode pads are packed in solid foil in order to keep the pads clean and safely kept. These electrodes are pre-connected, meaning that they can be attached in advance to the AED. Precious time will be saved at the time of an emergency rescue. Because the electrode pads are provided with a special adhesive gel they will not move or come off after attaching them. With children it is advisable to attach one electrode pad on the rear between the shoulder blades and one electrode pad on the breastbone between the nipples. These electrodes guide the energy level of the shock downwards in order to provide therapeutic benefit to smaller bodies. Also paediatric pads are available. These are smaller in size than the adult electrodes.

Product name CU Medical i-PAD SP1 adult electrode pads
CU Medical
Battery or electrode pad Electrode pad
Suitable for model CU Medical i-PAD SP1
Lifespan ca. 2 years
Adult or child Adult & paediatric
Weight 1 kgs
User Manual

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