AED information
At Medisol/AEDexpert, we don't just supply AEDs, training and resuscitation products, we aim to keep you informed and up-to-date with the latest legislations and technologies surrounding the world of resuscitation, first aid and training.
We understand that the minefield of information and technical terms used by manufacturers can be bewildering, even to professionals, we also understand that you have come to our website because you need to make an important and potentially life-saving purchase. We want to help you make the right purchase for your needs and circumstances and our expert advisers are trained to help you make the right decision based on your needs.
As an independent supplier, we provide completely unbiased and independent advice to all of our customers. Search for, or click on any of the pages listed on the left to find the information that you are looking for, if you can't find what you need, our friendly, expert customer advisers are always willing to help. If you need advice about your purchase or have any questions regarding our products or services, please contact our specialists, who will be glad to help you further: telephone 0818 000127.