AED with CPR feedback

Importance of AEDs and high-quality CPR in cardiac arrest emergency

When it comes to a sudden cardiac arrest emergency, time is critical, and prompt and effective actions can significantly increase the victim's chances of survival. Two essentials in this type of emergency are using an AED and providing high-quality CPR.

AEDs in public places

An AED is a device that delivers an electric shock to the heart to restore its normal rhythm. Automated External AEDs (AEDs) are portable, easy to use, and widely available in public places such as airports, shopping centres, and sports stadiums. The availability of AEDs in public places has helped save many lives.

Voice prompts and metronome clicks

Most AEDs come equipped with voice prompts that guide the rescuer through each step of the rescue process, including when to start performing CPR. Additionally, an audible metronome function can help the rescuer maintain a consistent rhythm while administering chest compressions. These features are especially helpful in high-stress situations, allowing the rescuer to focus on providing effective care to the victim of sudden cardiac arrest.

Importance of CPR feedback

CPR feedback is a feature of some AEDs on the market today that provides real-time analysis of the quality of chest compressions administered by the rescuer during a cardiac arrest event. It is essential to note that CPR feedback is not the same as CPR instruction or guidance.

The main goal of CPR feedback

The main goal of CPR feedback is to prompt, guide, and provide confidence to the rescuer in a highly stressful situation. By providing audio or visual cues that prompt the rescuer to adjust their technique and improve the effectiveness of their CPR. CPR feedback can help increase the chances of survival for a cardiac arrest victim. Whether the rescuer is a trained professional or an untrained bystander, CPR feedback can help settle the nerves of the rescuer and provide high-quality CPR.

AEDs with CPR feedback

AEDs with CPR feedback are valuable for improving the quality of CPR delivered during sudden cardiac arrest emergencies. Here is a table comparing some of the most popular AEDs on the market that come equipped with CPR feedback:

AED Model CPR Feedback Features

Heartsine Samaritan Pad 500P

Real-time feedback instructions, communicating verbal instructions such as “Good Compressions”, “Push Harder,” “Push Faster” and “Push Slower”
Zoll AED Plus Real-time feedback on depth and rate of compressions, as well as audio and visual prompts for when to start and stop compressions
Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 Real-time feedback on depth and rate of compressions, as well as guidance on hand placement and the ability to adjust feedback based on patient size

These AEDs provide crucial feedback to rescuers, helping them to perform high-quality CPR and improve the chances of survival for the victim of sudden cardiac arrest. Browse our selection of AEDs with CPR feedback.

  1. + Free wall Cabinet Heartsine Samaritan PAD 500P AED
  2. + Free wall Cabinet Zoll AED Plus Fully-Automatic
  3. + Free wall Cabinet ZOLL AED Plus Semi-Automatic
  4. + Free wall Cabinet Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 AED Semi-Automatic
  5. + Free wall Cabinet Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 AED Fully-Automatic

CPR feedback pads

The CPR feedback pads work seamlessly with AEDs with CPR feedback. They have a self-adhesive design for easy placement on the patient's chest and provide the highest quality chest compressions during CPR. With clear diagrams and instructions, even non-professionals can use them effectively. The electrode pads are of the highest quality, with a long shelf life and high conductivity, ensuring optimal performance when needed.